

There are many ways to enjoy the Golden Gate Bridge. 游客可以从桥下走过,从桥上飞过,或者从桥上穿过.

Go Over the Bridge

The famed bridge gets 10 million visitors a year. Most drive across on U.S. Highway 101. A $8.双轴车辆的通行费为80美元,仅在贝博体彩app入境一侧以电子方式支付. 贝博体彩app收费广场东南的紧凑地段提供有限的付费停车场. 在马林县(Marin County)维斯塔角(Vista Point)的东北地段,最多可免费停车四个小时. (注:周末和节假日上午11点休息.m. to 5 p.m.)

穿越金门最简单(也没有压力)的方法之一就是跳上一辆 Big Bus.  在贝博体彩app大多数主要景点和酒店附近都有便利的停靠站, Big Bus is top recommendation of ours. . Grey Line 也提供了冒险的机会,在桥上探索索萨利托和缪尔森林.

游客可以乘坐旅游巴士、出租车、拼车服务和公共交通工具过桥.  Golden Gate Transit buses and San Francisco Muni buses stop at the San Francisco toll plaza, where visitors can get off to walk or cycle the bridge, toll-free.  步行者和骑自行车的人共用东边的人行道,可以俯瞰贝博体彩app湾,骑自行车的人也使用西边的人行道. 

Friends taking selfies on the Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco City Guides lead richly informative and free bridge walks. 步行和骑自行车可以让游客很容易地到达附近的景点,比如贝博体彩app的加州海岸小径、马林海岬和马林县的贝克堡.

领先的自行车租赁公司组织桥梁骑行,包括: Blazing SaddlesBike & View, and Unlimited Biking. 一些自行车之旅在索萨利托结束,并提供返回贝博体彩app的选择 ferry.

Go Under the Bridge

从桥下走过可以让游客欣赏到它的浩瀚和辉煌的建筑. Walkers can pause under the span at Fort Point 在贝博体彩app一侧或在马林海地北部一侧. Blue & Gold Fleet’s San Francisco Bay Cruise sails under the bridge from Fisherman’s Wharf, as does Red and White Fleet’s Bridge2Bridge Cruise. City Experiences by Hornblower 展示了大桥的壮丽景色或跳上船 Adventure Cat 用于桥下和海湾周围快速航行的双体船.

Go Above the Bridge

Want to see the sights from on high? San Francisco Helicopters 在他们的Vista Grande选项中提供桥上的景观友好航班.

Whether by car, foot, by bicycle, by boat, or even by air, there's no bad way to see the Golden Gate Bridge.

Where to Park at the Golden Gate Bridge

当你参观金门大桥时,有两个主要的停车场可以停车. 请注意,停车场有限,因此建议使用其他交通工具.

Southeast Side Visitor Parking Lot

This parking area has a range of visitor services, including a café, gift center, gardens and an array of scenic vistas. Parking is metered ($0.25 per 15 minutes) with 37 spaces, including 26 general spaces, six bus stalls, 还有三个为残障人士提供的无障碍空间,上面有残障人士标牌. The lot is closed on weekends and holidays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. On weekends and holidays only, 在西南侧附近的卫星停车场可以提供额外的停车位,每天收费5美元.

Northeast Side Parking Lot

免费停车场(有4小时的使用限制)和洗手间是这里唯一的便利设施. The lot is closed on weekends and holidays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Northwest Side Parking Lot

桥西侧的马林岬角(Marin Headlands)停车场提供免费停车(限4小时)。. 这里没有便利设施,但你可以从桥下走到东北地块.


Carol High
Carol High

Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, food & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩app》和《贝博体彩》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, nonprofits, and government. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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